Coherence among Physical Fitness, Socioeconomic Status, Scholastic Achievement and Creativity – an Empirical Approach


  • Amit Bandyopadhyay Sports and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Department of Physiology, University of Calcutta University Colleges of Science and Technology 92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata: 700009, West Bengal, India.



Physical fitness, Socio-economic status, Creativity, academic achievement.


Physical fitness may have profound impact on cognitive activities, required in individual’s academic functions and creative expressions. On account of scarcity of adequate scientific data in the relevant field, the current study was aimed to explore this area at different socio-economic status (SES) of the society. The study was conducted in school going girls of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. 131 girl students of class 11th standard (average age17 yrs) were recruited in the study by stratified random sampling method from four higher secondary schools of southern region of Kolkata, West Bengal, India. The study variants namely, physical fitness, academic achievement, creativity and SES were determined by standard methods of measurement. Statistical analyses like one way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Bonferroni’s post hoc analysis, Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis and canonical correlation were done with the help of SPSS version 23.0 version. Results showed that girls belonging to high socio-economic status possessed best physical fitness status followed by the girls coming from low and medium socio-economic status, respectively. Pearson’s product moment correlation analysis depicted significant positive correlation of academic achievement with different physical fitness parameters and significant negative correlation with obesity indicators. Another observation revealed positive correlation between physical fitness and SES. Canonical correlation analysis revealed positive correlation among physical fitness and creativity parameters. The present study may serve as a strong scientific basis in favour of the organised physical education programme to promote physical and cognitive development of young students studying in various class standards at different stages of education.


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How to Cite

Bandyopadhyay, A. (2020). Coherence among Physical Fitness, Socioeconomic Status, Scholastic Achievement and Creativity – an Empirical Approach. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES, 72(1).