Author Guideline

The paper once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Alteration or inclusion of any name of the author(s) is not permissible subsequently after initial submission of the article/paper. 

Full-length papers should not normally exceed 4000 words.

Manuscripts should be submitted online only through the submission platform. By any other mode manuscript will not be accepted for review. 

The manuscripts should be concise and arranged as follows:


Indian Journal of Physiology and Allied Sciences (IJPAS) is the official organ of The Physiological Society of India (
The Journal started its journey in 1947 and is believed to be the second medical journal published in India. The journal publishes original research articles and communications on basic and clinical physiology and allied sciences research. Publications in the journal follow the guidelines recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). It is a print journal with contents available online with open access. The submission and tracking of manuscripts are also available online.
The journal encourages submission of manuscripts describing innovations in teaching methodology or research methodology, negative observations, hypotheses, theoretical research, comments on teaching or research or health policies, protocols, etc., apart from regular research articles.


All manuscripts submitted to the Indian Journal of Physiology and Allied Sciences (IJPAS), after initial screening, if found to be suitable for processing, will undergo peer review. The manuscript will be sent to two reviewers. IJPAS follows a double-blind peer review process. Authors need to certify in the cover letter that their manuscript has not been submitted to any other journal simultaneously. After the peer review process, manuscripts considered suitable for publication will be edited before publication.
The entire publication process will be done through the online system, including manuscript submission, peer review, communication of final decision, and sending proofs.


All the manuscripts are processed with good faith that they are not under consideration for publication by any other journal(s), and authors observed good scientific practice during the process of origin of the manuscript. The following types of manuscripts are considered for publication in the IJPAS. A word limit (excluding Abstract and References) has been suggested for each type of manuscript.

3.1. Editorial / Perspectives / Opinions
These are primarily written by senior scientists and mostly solicited. This type of article will be generally written by a single author (maximum two). There is no need for an Abstract. These should be about 1000-1500 words and may or may not contain references.

3.2. Research Article
These are original research articles describing observations likely to be significant for the scientific community and the public. The approximate length of the article should be 2500-3500 words.

3.3. Solicited Review Article
Narrative reviews written by experts in a particular research area may be submitted by invitation only. The article could be 5000-6000 words (excluding Abstract and References) with not more than 50 references and an unstructured Abstract of about 250-300 words. Tables and figures could be included as per requirement. Copyright permission should be obtained from the copyright holder in advance if a published table/figure is reproduced in part or whole.

3.4. Systematic Review / Meta-analysis
The articles under this section should be critical appraisals of different studies on important topics of interest within the journal's scope. These would be thoroughly researched articles giving comprehensive and balanced perspectives on the topic. There should be a structured Abstract. Systematic reviews/meta-analyses should be about 5000 words long, accompanied by tables/figures/flowcharts as necessary.

3.5. Case study / Case series
Rare and educative cases may be presented under this section. The author(s) should have examined and treated the patient(s). A concise write-up without reference or running title of around 1000 words may be submitted, containing details of the place (department/institute) and period (month/year) of patient presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up (along with the duration of follow-up). Authors need to submit a patient consent form before publication. If the patient is a child, the form may be signed by a family member or a close relative. Clear, high-resolution photos should be submitted. There should not be more than four of them and they should be in JPEG/TIFF format.

3.6. Oration Article
Awardees of different Oration Lectures of The Physiological Society of India are invited to submit an article to be published in IJPAS as an Oration Article. The article should be single-
authored with an unstructured Abstract of around 3000 words describing the awardee's contribution toward the significant outcome that led him/her to be conferred the Oration Award. Copyright permission should be obtained from the copyright holder in advance if a published table/figure is reproduced in part or whole. The contributions of the collaborators and collaborating institutes or earlier affiliations should be mentioned in the Acknowledgment section. These articles are submitted within a month of the announcement of the Oration Award results of the year and generally published as separate Oration Lecture Issue in the next year.

3.7. Letter to Editor (500 words)
Anyone can communicate to the Executive Editor, drawing attention to scientifically important information about the contents published in the IJPAS or any other important issue. If the author of the letter wants to get it published in the IJPAS, it should be categorically mentioned, and no more than five references should be used to support the content.

(I). Authors detail (Separate file in .docx)
(II). Main manuscript (.docx; Identity revealing portions must be masked as XXXXX and consisting of – Title, Abstract, Keywords, Running title, Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, and References, with indications of tables and figures at the proper place(s) in the text.)
(III). Plagiarism report (<10% similarity index for Abstract, Introduction, and Discussion).
(IV). Tables (Numbered in Arabic without any sub-numbering)
(V). Figures (JPG with 300 dpi resolution, Graphs should be in contrast colors so that meaning is not lost even if printed in black and white)
(VI). Figure legends (.docx)
(VII). Supplement data (large figures, large tables, movies, etc.)

Authors Details
Title: To be written in sentence case
Authors: (All authors should fulfil the authorship criteria of ICMJE)
Given-name Surname1, Given-name Surname2,…, Given-name SurnameX
1Department/Division, Institute, Address.
2Department/Division, Institute, Address.

XDepartment/Division, Institute, Address.
 Corresponding Author.

Author name 1: ORCID ID1
Author name 2: ORCID ID2
Author name 3: ORCID ID3
Author name 4: ORCID ID4
Author name X: ORCID IDX

Suggested Reviewers
The corresponding author is requested to submit suggestions of three reviewers from the field of the study with their contact details (Designation, Affiliation, Email).

Main Manuscript

Text format
Times New Roman, Font size 12, Justified
References cited as superscript Arabic numerical (numbered as per sequence of appearance in the text).

Manuscript type: To be chosen from the list.
To be written in Sentence case, Times New Roman, Font size 14, Justified, Bold

The manuscript should be presented under the following headings -

The Abstract should be brief and indicate the scope and significant results of the paper. It should highlight the hypothesis, principal findings, and conclusions so that it can be used by abstracting services without modification. It should be around 200 words and structured as Background, Hypothesis, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion without any paragraph break. KEYWORDS: Minimum five words. Preferably from the MeSH List of MeSH Running title: Maximum 50 characters, including spaces

The general background of the study should be presented here. A concise review of published literature establishes the need for the study and how it should help bridge the knowledge gap if found any. Overall, the background should be clearly expressed with a clear hypothesis /objective of the study.

Details about the subjects, animals, materials, software, etc., used in the research activity presented in the current manuscript should be listed with subheadings as required and as applicable.
Ethical considerations suitable for the reported study should be clearly mentioned, including sample size, study calendar, study registration, etc., as applicable. Permission from the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC)/Institutional Review Board (IRB) is mandatory for all studies on human subjects, as per the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Studies involving animals should strictly adhere to the Committee for the Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA) Guidelines in India and similar suitable bodies outside India.
Adequate information should be provided on the care and use of laboratory animals, source of animals, strain, age, sex, housing, nutrition, etc. Drugs and chemicals used should be precisely identified, including generic name(s), dosage(s), and route(s) of administration. The study design should be described in detail.

Study design: This should be stated at the end of the Materials and Methods section. The study design could be observational, cross-sectional, longitudinal, etc., which are generally applicable to human studies. Baseline data should be presented wherever necessary. Inclusion/exclusion criteria should be clearly stated. Sample size calculation, along with the formula, should be presented.
Methods used in the study should be described in such detail that they can be understood and used by the readers. Well-established methods can be truncated with suitable references.
Statistical procedures should be mentioned (merely mentioning the software is insufficient).

The results should be described in the text with sufficient support from tabulated data and graphical presentation. Data duplication should not exist in multiple forms (text, table, graph).
If any table is likely to exceed one printed page, the data should be kept as supplementary data (available online only), and a truncated table can be added in the print form, if required.
Citation index for the tables, graphs, figures, photographs, etc. should be provided (A box with the table/graph/figure number must be shown in the text where the specific object is to be placed).

Obtained results should be discussed in light of already reported relevant results. Repetition of results should be avoided as much as possible.
The last paragraph of the Discussion should be dedicated to the summary and conclusion.

All contributions related to the reported study that do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the acknowledgments. All support, including financial, should also be mentioned here.

Any type of conflict of interest should be declared here. If there is nothing to declare here, please mention ‘Nil’.

All references should be listed with numbers as cited in the text. The style of references will be as per Vancouver style –
• Single author (Nayak P.)
• Two – six authors (Nayak PA, Nayak PB, Nayak PC, Nayak PD, Nayak PE, Nayak PF.)
• More than six authors (Nayak PA, Nayak PB, Nayak PC, et al.)
• Book chapter
With ISBN – 1. Author list. Chapter title. In: Book name [Editor list, Eds], 2nd ed. Publisher; Place; Year. p.252-4. ISBN.
Without ISBN – 1. Author list. Chapter title. In: Book name [Editor list, Eds], 2nd ed. Publisher; Place; Year. p.252-4. Available at (Accessed on 27.03.2023).
• Journal article
With DOI – 1. Nayak P. Effect of ………….exposure. Indian J Physiol Allied Sci. 2023;75(1):19-22. DOI: 10.55184/ijpas.v75i01.xx.
Without DOI – 1. Nayak P. Effect of ………….exposure. Indian J Physiol Allied Sci. 2023;75(1):19-22. PMID 12XX34XX.
Or - 1. Nayak P. Effect of ………….exposure. Indian J Physiol Allied Sci. 2023;75(1):19-22. Available at article/view/xx (Accessed on 27.03.2023).